Friday 18 July 2014

Page Comics

These were done any time between 2012-2010 so the spelling isn't going to be the best in some of the earlier ones :P 

                                            LANGSTONE = THE PLACE THEY LIVE

Wednesday 16 July 2014


The characters:

The dog
He Is pretty cool though he can sometimes be a little self confident. Since 2008 he has driven an alien spacecraft, time travelled and even got himself killed. Wait.. what?

The kid with spiky hair.
Not the brightest. Loves computer games a little too much and since 2009 has spent pretty much all his free time on various handheld consoles.

The adult.
James has led a pretty normal life with a normal job which he normally doesn’t enjoy and has only been abducted by aliens once! He is normally pretty calm but does get grumpy and occasionally loses it.

The washing machine.
Loosely inspired by one of the washing machines that was in my house, it has been causing mayhem in the family since 2010 and has no plans to stop anytime soon.